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What They Say

Saw Daniel Htoo


မြန်မာနိုင်ငံကို ဘုရားသခင်ကောင်းကြီးပေးဖို့၊ ယုံကြည်သူခရစ်ယာန်များ ဘုရားကို သာ၍အားကိုးပြီး အသက်တာ၌ နှုတ်ကပတ်တော်နှင့်အညီ သာ၍လိုက်လျှောက်အသက်ရှင်နိုင်ရန်။

Yangon Division

U Than Zaw


Praise that our Pioneer Missionary Than Zaw from Ayeyarwady Division, for 2nd term project of Easter special; they could hold (3) places and had a chance to share the gospel message, then they could present the gifts to the villagers. They also had a chance to hold BFAM Trainings at (2) places in the month of May – 2022.

Ayeyarwaddy Division

U Aung Aye


Praise that our Pioneer Missionary Aung Aye from Bago Division, he and his local believers could share the gospel to Theck Ka La Township smoothly in the month of May – 2022. No one disturb them along the way. We thank God! Beside that, they could share the gospel message to the people and could pray for the sick.

Bago Division