About Us
Every Home Myanmar

Our Vision

That every person on earth
would have a genuine
opportunity to respond to the
truth and love of Jesus.

Our Mission

To serve the Church by
equipping and mobilizing
believers to participate in sharing
the truth and love of Jesus with
every person and home on earth.

Our team
Who We Are

Kyi Thar Hla [ Director ]

Pioneer Missionary

U Aung Aye
Pioneer Missionary
( Bago Division )
1989 - 2024
U Saw Eh Htoo
Pioneer Missionary
( Yangon Division )
Saw Hay Nay Thar
Pioneer Missionary
( Yangon Division )
U Than Zaw
Pioneer Missionary
( Ayeyarwady Division )
U Myint Thein
Pioneer Missionary
( Ayeyarwady Division )
KD Brang Mai
Pioneer Missionary
( Mandalay Division )
Zaw Zaw Cho
Pioneer Missionary
( Kayin State )
U Sa Win Shwe
Pioneer Missionary
( Rakhine State )
Tun Tun
Pioneer Missionary
( Magway Division )
Sai Aung Mong
Pioneer Missionary
( Shan State )
San Lin Aung
Pioneer Missionary
( Bago Division )
Naw Phe Lar Phaw
Pioneer Missionary
( Kayah State )
Min Zaw Lat
Part-time Ministry
( Yangon Division )
Tun Tun Naing
Part-time Ministry
( Bago Division )
Mung Dan
Pioneer Missionary
( Kachin State )

Office Staff

Daw Khin Mar Win
Naw Blessing
Office Saff
Naw Eh Moo
Office Saff
Saw Daniel Htoo
Office Saff
Phyu Sin Aung Hla
Social Ministry
That Zaw
Part-time Ministry
( Mandalay Division )
Tun Naing Oo
Part-time Ministry
( Rakhine State )
Mg Naing
Part-time Ministry
( Yangon Division )
J Mine Mar
Part-time Ministry
( Ayeyarwady Division )
Moe Zin Dar
Social Ministry
( Yangon Division )

What We Do

Every Prayer

The task of sharing the gospel with everyone on earth can feel overwhelming. It is something we cannot do by our own strength. We cannot rely on our own plans or systems.

This is why we always turn to God and seek his help. The barriers are real, the dangers are palpable, and the challenges are countless. Yet, none of this is news to God. Over and over, we turn to him and see the miraculous ways he removes obstacles and provides the answers and resources we need most.
“The degree to which prayer is mobilized is the degree to which the world will be evangelized.”
-Dick Eastman.

Every Believer

We believe that following and obeying Jesus means that Christians should actively participate in sharing the gospel.

Our conviction is that there is no more worthwhile investment for a Christian than helping others know God. This is the mission of the Church, and every one of us is called to step out into the world to share the gospel.

It will take unity from churches in every country and Christians in every corner of the earth to accomplish this mission. Our goal is to show that sharing the gospel is something every believer and every church can rally around. This is something that we will accomplish together with a unified front.



Every Place

Going into all of the world means we must share the truth and love of Jesus everywhere. Take one look at the New Testament, and you see life-altering conversations happening everywhere. These moments happened with families in homes, with beggars in courtyards, and with tax collectors in marketplaces.

Today, spiritual conversations happen in homes, workplaces, events, streets, and even online. People can encounter Jesus anywhere. We meet people where they are, and many times, that starts at home.

Of course, we know thought-provoking spiritual conversations aren’t limited to front porches and living rooms. We train believers to understand that the love of God can be shared in any place. We can share the gospel at a mailbox in the suburbs, at a rural village well, or in a cubicle in a skyscraper.

The mandate Jesus gave us to go into the world is just as important today as it was when it was first spoken. We cannot wait for others to come to us. We must travel far and wide to every place and take the love of Jesus across the world.

Every Method

Ask a million Christians how they came to know Jesus, and you’ll hear a million different stories. Some will tell you they discovered God by reading a book, others will tell you of a stranger who knocked on their door, and still others will share a story about a large event or a church service.

A global mission requires that we recognize the unique needs of every country, context, and circumstance.

Methods of sharing the gospel have changed over time, and the global Body of Christ has adapted to these changes — from the printing press to the internet, from horses to airplanes. The opportunity to reach farther, wider, and faster has been presented to the generation of believers on the earth today. We must utilize every method to reach everyone, everywhere.

Likewise, we are engaged in many methods of sharing the gospel, and we will continue to innovate. Home-to-home outreach is our foundation, but we support and develop every method it takes to share Jesus with the entire world.

Every Person

The gospel is for everyone. It’s for all of us. Every person is made in the image of God and invited into relationship with him.

This open invitation is what makes the kingdom of God so incredible. In a world so divided, God’s love brings dignity, value, and hope to every single person, no matter who they are or what they’ve done. A relationship with the Creator is something everyone can experience.

Our Story

အိမ်တိုင်ရာရောက်ခရစ်တော်၏သာသနာပြုအဖွဲ့သည် Every Home for Christ International ခေါင်းဆောင်မှု အောက်တွင် ဝေစာအားဖြင့် သာသနာပြုသော အမှုဆောင်လုပ်ငန်းဖြစ်သည်။

အိမ်တိုင်ရာရောက်ခရစ်တော်၏သာသနာပြုအဖွဲ့သည် ၁၉၈၀ ခုနစ်၊ အောက်တိုဘာလ(၁၇)ရက်နေ့မှ စတင်ပြီး ကမ္ဘာ့ Every Home for Christ နှင့် တရားဝင်ဆက်သွယ်ပြီး သာသနာလုပ်ငန်းများကို ဆက် လက်လုပ်ဆောင်ခဲ့ပါ သည်။ သာသနာလုပ်ငန်းစတင်သည့်အချိန်မှစ၍ ၂၀၀၇-ခုနစ် ဒီဇင်ဘာလတွင် ပထမအကြိမ်(First Coverage) တစ်နိုင်ငံလုံးအတိုင်းအတာ အိမ်တိုင်ရာရောက်ဝေစာအားဖြင့် ပြီးစီခဲ့ဖြစ် ပါသည်။ ၂၀၀၈-ခုနစ် မှ ၂၀၁၈-ခုနစ်အထိ ဒုတိယအကြိမ် (Second Coverage) တစ်နိုင်ငံလုံးဝေစာအား ဖြင့် သာသနာပြုခဲ့ပြီးဖြစ်ပါသည်။ ၂၀၁၉-ခုနစ်မှ စတင်၍ ယခုအချိန်ထိ တတိယအကြိမ်အဖြစ်လုပ် ဆောင်လျက်ရှိပါသည်။

ဝေစာဝေခြင်း သာသနာလုပ်ငန်းအနေဖြင့် မြန်မာပြည်ရှိတိုင်းနှင့်ပြည်နယ်အသီးသီးရှိ တာဝန်ခံများနှင့် တွဲဖက်အမှုတော်ဆောင်ဟူ၍ (၁၂)နေရာတွင် အမှုတော်ဆောင်များနှင့်အတူ ဒေသန္တရအသင်းတော်များ၊ စေတနာ့ အမှုတော်ဆောင်(Volunteers)များနှင့်လည်း အတူလက်တွဲလျက် တိုင်းနှင့်ပြည်နယ်အသီးသီးတွင် ပါဝင် ဆက် ကပ်မှုများလည်းရှိပါသည်။ ယုံကြည်သူလူသစ်များအား ဒေသခံအသင်းတော်များနှင့် လက်တွဲ၍ Fellow-up ပြုလုပ် ကာ တပည့်တော်များမွေးထုတ်ပေးလျက်ရှိသည်။ OIKOS ၏ ရည်ရွယ် ချက်ဟူသော အနှစ် (၂၀)အတွင်း တစ်နိုင်ငံ လုံး ခရစ်တော်အကြောင်းသိရှိရန် ပန်းတိုင်ထားရှိသည်။